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East Ranga – Statistics from 2020 – July

Last summer the fishing in East Ranga was spectacular and the river finished the season with 9070 salmon caught.

But how was the fishing divided over the river? Which beats are the best? What is the multi winter salmon to grilse ratio? Why is the sky blue?

Why will answer those questions in articles with detailed stats about the fishing in the East Ranga this summer, maybe not the last one though, you will have to google that.

Gunnar Skuli – head guide deserves a lot of credit and thanks for reading maaaany pages of log books to create the stats.

Next month is July, then the feast started for real.

Those numbers reveal many interesting facts. It was a bit of a surprise to see the numbers of MWS salmon were quite on the lower side as the East is known for a healthy stock of the big guys. According to the stats MWS was 13% and grilse 87% of the catch. The grilse in big numbers are a very good indication of a very good MWS year 2021.

If we look closer at the beats and how the fishing was divided, beat number one was best by far with 937 salmon caught, in second place we have beat three with 782 salmon. Beat six and nine were least productive but they came around later in the season.

The best day was July 26th with 232 salmon caught, in total we had 18 days in July with over 100 salmon each day which is a magnificent result.

Average catch per rod is 6.3 salmon if you calculate with the maximum occupancy which is 18 rods per day. Because of Covid cancellations the rivers was not fully occupied many of the days so the catch per rod is even better.

The East Ranga is sold out in July 2020 but we have a few slots left in the Holsa river which is the lower part of the Ranga rivers. That should be a very exciting option early season with all the MWS expected to arrive early.

You can read about the Holsa here: Holsa Eastbank

Go fishing!

Johann David –