You are currently viewing East Ranga – Statistics from 2020 – October

East Ranga – Statistics from 2020 – October

Last summer the fishing in East Ranga was spectacular and the river finished the season with 9070 salmon caught.

But how was the fishing divided over the river? Which beats are the best? What is the multi winter salmon to grilse ratio? Why is the sky blue?

Why will answer those questions in articles with detailed stats about the fishing in the East Ranga this summer, maybe not the last one though, you will have to google that.

Gunnar Skuli – head guide deserves a lot of credit and thanks for reading maaaany pages of log books to create the stats.

Next month is October !

In October the East Ranga was only fished with 12 rods and only for twenty days. The total catch was a very respectable 746 salmon giving an average of 3.1 salmon per rod per day which is nothing to fret about!

Most of the catch was still grilse but the ratio of MWS improved up to 17% of the catch as the big ones usually get a bit irritated and go for a tasty fly in the autumn. The best beat was surprisingly beat 6 with 178 salmon caught, beat six was one of the least productive ones earlier in the summer but caught up in the end. Beat three was in second place but beat one has calmed down considerably which is not unusual for the lowest beat late in the season

Johann David –