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First salmon catch update of the season

We have been experiencing a very cold spring and summer with temperatures only in the region of 5-9c. This seems to have had an effect on the runs of salmon as the start in most rivers has been very slow.

The numbers from the first days published June 16th are as follows:

Urriðafoss – Þjórsá  (opened 01.06)  194 salmon

Norðurá (opened 04.06) 39 salmon

Þverá + Kjarará (opened 05.06) 35 salmon

Miðjarðará (opened 15.06) 13 salmon

Laxá in Kjós (opened 15.06) 3 salmon

Eystri Rangá (opened 15.06) 3 salmon

Hítará (opened 15.06) 3 salmon

Straumarnir (opened 05.06) 2 salmon

Hólsá East Bank – lower East Ranga (opened 05.06) 2 salmon


Pictured is Arnar Víðisson with a 84 cm salmon from Strandasíki – East Ranga


Johann David –