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East Ranga – Statistics from 2020 – August

Last summer the fishing in East Ranga was spectacular and the river finished the season with 9070 salmon caught.

But how was the fishing divided over the river? Which beats are the best? What is the multi winter salmon to grilse ratio? Why is the sky blue?

Why will answer those questions in articles with detailed stats about the fishing in the East Ranga this summer, maybe not the last one though, you will have to google that.

Gunnar Skuli – head guide deserves a lot of credit and thanks for reading maaaany pages of log books to create the stats.

Next month is August, a record month nothing less!

The fishing in August was simply put phenomenal with records being set day after day in the river. In the period from August 20th to 23rd each day gave from 284-295 salmon or 16,3 salmon per rod per day which is truly out of this world.

The best beat was still beat three with 690 salmon caught and beat one came in at close second. Beat eight came in third pace but beat nine was slowest with 157 salmon caught, that is still 2.5 salmon per rod day on average!

Most of the catch was grilse or 91%, those heathy grilse runs should implicate excellent MVS returns in 2021 if conditions in the ocean are favorable.

We still have a few slots left late August, excellent time to visit the river!

Go fishing

Johann David –