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Top ten list in Iceland salmon fishing

We bring you the very first top ten list of the catches in the Icelandic river. As previously mentioned the salmon season got off to a very slow start due to the cold spring but we are seeing better numbers now in the past week or so.

River 22 july Rods Final number 2020
1 Urriðafoss/Þjórsá 741 4 971
2 Norðurá 717 15 980
3 Þverá + Kjarará 567 14 1027
4 Eystri Rangá 492 18 9070
5 Ytri Rangá 384 16 2642
6 Haffjardará 377 6 1127
7 Miðfjarðará 363 10 1725
8 Langá 306 12 1086
9 Laxá Kjós 302 10 929
10 Elliðaárnar 232 6 965


Tight Lines

Johann David –