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Top ten list week 37

Another fresh top the list for the Icelandic salmon rivers, we have some changes on the list this time around. Water, water everywhere! Yes autumn is upon us and it has rained cats and dogs every other day for the last two weeks resulting in difficult conditions. Some rivers have suffered like the East Ranga but some have benefitted like the Laxa in Kjos.

River 22.sep 15.sep 8.sep 1.sep 25 August 18 August Rods Final number 2020
1 Ytri Rangá 3082 2939 2822 2387 2121 1799 16 2642
2 Eystri Rangá 2886 2801 2598 2218 2052 1873 18 9070
3 Miðfjarðará 1709 1596 1428 1309 1217 1123 10 1725
4 Norðurá 1431 1431 1337 1285 1243 1209 15 980
5 Þverá + Kjarará 1364 1329 1193 1193 1084 1017 14 1027
6 Haffjardará 914 892 839 782 740 662 6 1127
7 Laxá Kjós 926 802 723 646 560 529 10 929
8 Laxá Dölum 914 892 839 782 740 662 6 1127
9 Urriðafoss/Þjórsá 823 823 823 823 823 820 4 971
10 Laxá Leirársveit 814 755 660 613 560 533 12 1086


Tight Lines

Johann David –